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2025 Bank of America Chicago 13.1: General registration for the 2025 Bank of America Chicago 13.1 is sold out. Entries to the event are still available through the Bank of America Chicago 13.1 Charity Program.

Countdown to race day

Sponsor dedicated emails

  • Entitled sponsors are allotted one (1) time use of the Chicago 13.1 E-Newsletter database
  • Email content to be provided and sent to the database by the Bank of America Chicago 13.1
    • Accepted file formats include JPG or PNG.
    • Files cannot be wider than 600px. Files exceeding this width will be resized to fit within the e-mail format
    • Submission of creative must include a subject line and URL redirect
  • Email Mia Narcisi at mia.narcisi@cemevent.com to request date and time offerings
  • Creative, URL redirect and subject line are due two weeks prior to the transmission date
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Bank of America Chicago 13.1
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